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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹



                     Are We Surrendering?

Dr. Antony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Senate saying, “We are now having 40,000 cases a day. I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around.”

Democratic Presidential challenger Joe Biden said in a news conference that President Trump in April claimed he is a “war time president now.” It is July and what has happened? It seems like our wartime president has surrendered.

Today we really don’t care who is in the White House or who will be president, but we do care about what is going on in this nation. The pandemic is out of control.

Now almost six months later, President Trump still had a big political rally. The people don’t want to wear a mask, and yet they still blame the Chinese for bringing the virus to us. In the meantime, we still don’t see any concrete plan for stopping the virus spread.

We all love the slogan, “Make America Strong Again,” but at the grassroots of society we all care most about how to get a job and to work and survive. Those political slogans are too far away from our reality.

Frankly speaking, most of the immigrants came to the United States because of hard work and most of them became successful businessmen. We would love to have less taxes and small government, but we are also against those anti-immigration attitudes.

There is a real crisis facing our nation now. All of us need to get involved for ourselves and for the future of the next generation.


美國疫情正在不斷蔓延公衛官員福奇週一在國會做證時提出嚴厲警告目前全國每天有五萬名確診病例如果不再採取緊急措施未來可能每日有十萬確診病例, 這將是國家之大災難。

民主黨總統挑戰者拜登昨天在記者會上大力抨擊川普在四月份時稱他自己是戰時總統現在已是七月份, 我們的戰時總統已經投降了。

我們今天不論任何人所持之政治觀點其中大家可能公認的是,白宮對疫情之管控是失敗的,從今年元月底至今,已經近半年之久試問川普總統爲全國人民做了些什麽, 爲了選造勢可以不顧公衛危機召開群衆大會自己不戴口罩,爲全國人民做最的示範病毒來襲怪罪中國大陸今天二波疫情再來,又作何解釋?

今天我們選擇這塊土地我們更是這個國家奉公守法的公民我們非常樂見川普高唱的要美國再強大 ”,但是執政者之所做所爲是在犧牲了大多數平民老百姓起碼的生活及安心。

許多政客從出生就含著金湯匙他們生活在高大上的豪華環境中, 哪能真正體會到人間疾苦。

