每日评论0109 墨西哥灣的戀情

我們和墨西哥灣結緣已經很久了 ,早在大學唸書時,每逢週末有暇時會邀約同學大夥們到墨西哥灣上釣螃蟹,只要把雞脖子紥在線上放到墨西哥灣之岸邊,頓時可以從網中撈上肥大的螃蟹,不必等到太陽下山,我們大家总是满载而归,回到大學的宿舍每人各顯厨藝,烹調出各種品味的螃蟹大餐,這也是大學生活中令人難忘之生活記憶。
在越南難民尚未進入美國之前,德州休斯敦近太空中心的墨西哥灣,邊岸許多漁民是靠打撈海產魚𧎚為生,在此水域中盛產肥碩大蝦,當時我們感到有了商機,每天黃昏時刻,來到墨西哥灣之海產公司現塲,從返航的捕𧎚船上挑選肥大尚在輸送帶上跳動之大蝦裝進乾冰之泡沫箱中,立即送往位於北邊的休斯敦國際機塲凌晨飛往紐約之班機 ,由友人接應後送到紐約華埠當場販售,當時這些還是鮮活之大蝦還在蹦蹦跳動,不到數小時就被搶購一空,但好景不長,自從越南難民來到德州,他们許多是漁民,在墨西哥灣日夜作業,整個海鮮市場也隨之瓦解。
The Romance Of The Gulf Of Mexico
President Trump, who is about to take office, said yesterday that he would change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, which he thought was a very beautiful name.
We have been on the Gulf of Mexico for a long time. As early as when we were in college, we would be invited by our classmates to the Gulf of Mexico to fish for crabs every weekend when we had free time. As long as we put the chicken necks on the line along the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, we could catch many fat crabs from the rolling waves. We didn’t have to wait for sunset to fill our sacks with crabs. When we returned to the university dormitory, everyone showed us their cooking skills and cooked crab feasts of various tastes, which was also an unforgettable memory from college life.
Before the Vietnamese refugees entered the United States, nearby the Houston Space Center there were many seafood companies run by local fisherman. At that time we felt that seafood may be a good business opportunity. Every day before dusk, we came to the bay of the Gulf of Mexico. We came to buy the live shrimps still dancing on the conveyor belt that were put into foam boxes of dry ice and immediately we sent our orders to the Houston International Airport and shipped them out on the early Eastern Airlines flight to New York. After being picked up by my business partner, they were then sent to Chinatown. These fresh shrimp were still jumping and could be sold in the market in just a couple of hours. Since the Vietnamese fishermen arrived, the seafood business soon disintegrated.
My life experience in the seafood business then came to an end. Encounters and changes in life are sometimes understandable, but our love for the the Gulf of Mexico is indeed an eternal memory and remains a strong attachment.