每日评论0115 我在LA現塲

來到洛彬磯國際機場,沿著四0五號公路前往爾灣市之公路還相當順𣈱, 這座大城市之擁擠還是依舊,但是在不遠處太平洋沿岸馬里布附近有一萬多楝房屋被焚,二十四人喪生近數萬英里之大地成為灰燼,素有億萬富豪海灘卡本海邊七十多楝千萬豪宅付諸火中,受災最嚴重的寶馬山花園出現了世界首富馬斯克並帶來的數輛電動卡車及星鏈供災民使用。
I Am In LA
Arriving at the LA international airport, the Highway 405 to Irvine is still relatively smooth and clear. The outline of this city is still the same. But not far from the Pacific coast, more than 12,000 houses have burned down and 24 people have lost their lives. Nearly ten thousand acres of land have been turned to ashes, including the area known as "Billionaire Beach."
Musk, the richest man in the world, appeared in the most severely hit area, and delivered several relief trucks and free starlink internet connections for the disaster victims.
The Greater Los Angeles area has the largest U.S. population of our Chinese and other Asians. What is so very touching is that everyone is immediately lending you their hands and providing free clothes and food to the disaster victims, and even providing free accommodations to them. This is really the spirit of love. An old Chinese American told me that this is the first time he has ever seen our community come together and participate very actively in a disaster relief.
Back to Rodeo Drive near the wealthy district, the street is still full of fancy cars and many shoppers.
It does not seem like much has happened nearby.
Here in Los Angeles I felt like I was at home, and many of my friends still
live here. I came by to pay a visit. We hoped to express our blessing for this golden state at this challenging time.