每日评论0123 德州大雪紛飛

一場數十年之大雪於週二清晨降落在德州休斯敦及達拉斯各大城市,由於大雪驟降,把整個城市蓋上了至少四吋至六吋之大雪,機塲學校被迫關閉,許多商店及油站因而停業, 一直到週三下午雪停之後才恢復了交通。
It Snowed Heavily In Texas
After a decade of waiting, a heavy snow fell on Texas' major cities including Houston early on Tuesday morning. The whole city was covered with four inches of snow, schools were forced to close, airports and many shops and gas stations were closed and traffic did not resume until the snow stopped on Wednesday afternoon.
With the normally hot weather in the south, it was very rare to see snow and feel the blast of sub-zero freezing weather. And due to a lack of snow shovels and snow removal equipment, heavy snow can’t be easily removed off the roads.
Houston Mayor Whitmire called on citizens to be fully prepared to deal with the snow disaster. The city set up more than ten warm centers to shelter the homeless people.
Because citizens were well- prepared, the snow did not cause any major damage. The most gratifying thing was that in 99% of all Houston households, the electricity was not interrupted.