每日社评:0222 我們正在推動AI 太空教育計劃

我們正在推動AI 太空教育計劃
為了向全世界推廣將於今年十月三日至六日之全球AI 太空挑戰賽,我們目前已經訪遍了二十多個國家駐在休斯敦之總领事,向他們匯報最新之籌辦情形,其中也包括許多大學及學術機構。
We Are Strongly Committed To Promoting The AI And Space Education Program
In order to promote the World AI And Space Challenge event this year, we have now visited the consuls general of more than 20 countries in Houston and have updated them on the latest preparations on the event now underway, including having now received the full support of many of our area's universities and academic institutions.
A few days ago I attended Mayor Whitmire’s meeting with representatives of 54 African countries who live in the Houston area. We invited all of them to be a part of this groundbreaking event and to promote the City of Houston as 'Space City USA' all over the world.
We also feel a great professional as well as a personal responsibility in presenting this event and we will most definitely do our best to fully support this important and historical international occasion and make it a worldwide success.