每日評論 0327 國土安全部暫停審查難民及政治庇護者之申請

Why Do We Fight?
The bill SB 17 in the Texas House is being proposed which will strictly prohibit citizens from China, Iran, and North Korea from buying land and houses in Texas. This bill is discriminatory and unconstitutional and against our community. We must all stand up and fight against it. Whether or not it becomes law is also directly related to our survival in the future.
Over the past one hundred years, many have come to the United States to take root due to wars or other reasons. How many people over the ensuing years have devoted their youth time to the growth and prosperity of our nation?
Today, an evil bill has landed in Texas that will block investments from China, Iran and North Korea, which will seriously affect our economy and turn away prospective investors.
We want to urge all of our citizens to please stand up and participate in the rally on this upcoming Sunday at 2:00pm in Houston's Chinatown. Why do we fight? Our goal is very clear. We are fighting for our civil rights and the survival of the next generation.