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美國新冠肺炎抗疫日記 07/15/2020

美國新冠肺炎抗疫日記 07/15/2020

Only The Vaccine Can Rescue Us

According to a University of Washington report, coronavirus deaths in the U.S. are projected to reach more than 220,000 by the beginning of November as many states continue to report a surge in new cases and hospitalizations. Dr. Christopher Murray said we can now see the projected trajectory of the pandemic into the fall and many states are expected to experience significant increases in cases and deaths in September and October. However, if 95% of us wear a mask, the deaths could be reduced by close to 40,000. We all need to recognize that wearing masks can substantially reduce the transmission of the virus.

In Boston, the Moderna company’s findings provide more promising data that the vaccine they have developed produced neutralizing antibodies in all 45 patients in its early stage of human trials. These findings provide more promising data that a vaccine may give some protection against the coronavirus.

Summer is almost over and President Trump wants all students to go back to the classroom, but most local school districts are against it simply because of the health issue for the students, teachers and parents.

All of us are suffering enough and we cannot expect too much from the government. But we all are hoping that a vaccine and modern medicine will come to our rescue very soon.



位于波士頓的摩德納公司昨天在一項最新之報告中宣稱 以RNA-1273 代號的疫苗取得了很大的進展,該公司將從七月二十七日起對叁萬人進行測試,預計在年底前能生産有效之抗體疫苗對付新冠病毒。

值此世界各國遭遇空前浩劫之時,政客們的口水戰是無法解決人民的苦痛,他們爲了政治上的利益,往往是粉飾太平違背良心, 不尊重醫療專業之意見,造成施政上之失誤, 危害國家人民。



我們寄望醫療科硏早日發明疫苖和藥物, 來拯救我們吧!