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美國新冠疫情日記 07/17/2020

美國新冠疫情日記 07/17/2020

                                  We Are Still On The Front Line

Since the end of January, the coronavirus has been attacking the world now for almost six months. Our colleagues in different cities have stayed on the job. Our media service, Southern Daily, Southern TV and other media services have never been interrupted during this most challenging of times. I really want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of them.

Since Southern News was established in 1979, for the past several decades we have reported on so many political and economic stories as well as community news. We are rooted in the local immigrant society. We also grow together, but never before have we faced anything like this coronavirus pandemic. The disaster has changed our lives in many ways.

We saw a local medical doctor in McAllen, Texas, who told the story about how this border city has been fighting with the pandemic. He said he has lost so many dear friends and relatives and the death rate in his city was five times larger when compared with the state level. And now, because of the lack of space, they have ordered refrigerated trucks for storing the growing number of dead bodies. 

Today on the world stage there are many conflicts that have been created by different countries which have brought us to the real possibility of an all out war.

Dear brothers and sisters, this is a very critical time for all of us. We need to fully understand what is going on around the world and also right here in our own society.

Every day when I come back to my office I see all of my colleagues still working in our press room, TV studio and on the front line reporting the news. I tell them their hard work and sacrifice will be written in history.


自從美國疫情發生以來巳將近半年時間在我們全美各地同仁之努力下我們所有媒體給社會大眾之服務從未間斷 我在此要表達由衷之感謝。

美南新聞自創刊以來, 曾經遭遇過全世界在經濟政治上的許多變局 我們的前缐記者也曾親臨現場採訪報導過諸多新聞事件尤其是和移民社區有關的活動 我們永遠和社區共同成長。

今天全球面對新冠病毒之肆虐其所造成之社會經濟、政治之問題非常罕見, 也是我們在從事媒體工作的首次難得可貴的是我們的工作伙伴不畏懼艱難之環境大家仍然站在自己工作崗位上, 傳遞疫情訊息, 為社會提供最新最快的新聞。

我們看到德州南方小鎮麥卡䒹有位當地醫生在訪問中淚流滿面因為他的親朋好友在其手中不幸因冠狀疫情而撒手人間, 當地之死亡率是大城市的五倍, 而且已經搬運來臨時冷厙之停屍卡車這些慘狀難道當政者還在高唱政治騙局視而不見?


每天我回到辦公室看見同仁們都在牢守崗位從不退縮尤其是在印刷廠每天工作到凌晨的同仁 在攝影棚控制室之主播及工程人員在前缐採訪之伙伴你們都辛苦了疫情總有一天會過去你們的努力奮戰 將在海外傳媒史上留下精彩的一頁。