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新聞 / 今日要聞



Let Us Be United And Fight The Virus

Dear community brothers and sisters -

In these unprecedented and challenging times, we hope you and your family are healthy and safe. We are all in this together and our hearts go out to all those directly affected by the virus as well as their families, friends and coworkers.

It has been six months since the coronavirus attacked our community. We believe that by working together we will help flatten the curve.

As the situation continues to unfold, we are more certain than ever of the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity. We are confident that in the days to come we will find ourselves stronger, more resilient and more connected as a community.

Many of us came to this great land to build America together, and together we look forward to better days ahead.



新冠病毒感染至今,匆匆已逾半年之久, 在這個前所未有充滿挑戰的時刻 希望您和家人都安全健康, 讓我們大家攜手同舟共濟面對疫情帶來的巨大改變。

我們相信大家一定經得起考驗在不同之行業盡最大的努力來保護我們的家人及員工, 來克服逆境,在未來的日子裡會變得更強大更有韌性更能緊密相連在一起。

這些日子來當我走在社區街道上 目睹許多商家及餐館羅雀往日之人潮已不復見心中陣陣隱痛 不知疫情何時終結。

我們帶着無比的熱情和夢想來到美利堅共和國這塊土地 希望追求民主自由和美好生活,尤其在國際移民社區, 我們對國家做出極大貢獻我們有理由成為社會之主流。

非常遺憾我們的社會正在改變之中, 多少政客正在歷史之道路上逆道而行他們對新美國人之歧視增添社會種族之矛盾。

各位弟兄姐妹我們一定要立即行動參與投票 保障自己之公民權, 為我們及下一代共創美好的明天。