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美國新冠疫情日記 08/12

美國新冠疫情日記 08/12

African Asian American Kamala Harris Will Be Vice President Nominee

Joe Biden has chosen Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. She made history again as the first Black Asian American woman to grace a presidential ticket.

Biden, who played a central role in Barack Obama’s history making journey to the presidency in 2008, now presents himself to voters as a transitional figure choosing Harris as a way to shape the future of the party.

Harris grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her background includes being the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants and now embodies the new American story.

We are very excited that Kamala Harris is the one who can represent the immigrant community and write a new chapter in the history of the United States.

President Trump has attempted to brand Harris as a big raiser of taxes, a proponent of socialized medicine and one of the most liberal members of the U.S. Senate.

Given the nation’s current focus on race relations and criminal justice issues, her background is a natural fit for the position.

As Joe Biden has said, Harris has long been a fearless fighter for the little guy.


出生在加州南灣現年五十五歲的參議員賀錦麗( 中文名由舊金山僑領所取),今天被民主黨總統候選人拜登提名為副總統侯選人。賀錦麗的父親是牙買加移民,在史坦福大學任教, 母親是印度外交官,女兒是癌症研究專家。她在一九八六年獲豪伍大學政治學系學士,一九八九取得加州大學法學士,她一路從奧克蘭市檢查官到加州檢察總長,於二O一七年當選美國參議員,由于她的母親來自印度,她和妹妹經常回到印度探親, 她將於下週的民主黨大會中正式提名為副總統候選人,也是第一位具有非裔、亞裔的女副總統候選人。

拜登在聲明中說,我相信她是最佳人選,來幫忙我和川普、潘斯競爭,让我們的國家從明年二O二一元月重新開始, 賀錦麗誓言協助他成為三軍總司令。

今天我們整個社區對賀錦麗提名為副總統兴奋不已,她的父母都是笫一代移民,可以說是真正的新美國人,以她多族裔之背景和拜登之搭配可說是天作之合,這也更充分顯示美國絕對是人人皆可出人頭地的國家, 不論你來自任何國家,你都有機會成為政壇巨星及領導人。


歷史總是會記載我們移民社區在美洲大陸的奮鬥歷程,希望賀錦麗的当選,再度証明公道自在人心,让我們共同來支持她吧 !