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Kamala Harris Officially On Biden Team

Senator Kamala Harris has officially teamed up with Vice President Joe Biden to run in the 2020 presidential election. This represents that in our great nation, every citizen and race has the opportunity to lead this country.

 Harris was born and raised in Oakland, California. Her father was an immigrant from Jamaica and her mother was from India. Both of them like most of us came to America to seek a better education and a better life. Harris represents the immigrant family and the spirit of hard work and good education and a don’t complain and never give up attitude. Even when she was at an early age, a lot of kids still discriminated against her and her sister because of their strong and hard work attitude. But this also led her to become an attorney and took her all the way to the U.S. Senate. Her story has really become a model for all American immigrants.

 Whether the Biden-Harris ticket can win or not is still an unanswered question for Biden. But because Harris has partnered with him it definitely was the best choice.

 Because the coronavirus pandemic has already attacked our community for over half of the year, a lot of young kids have gone back to school with great risks. People don’t have full confidence with the new Russia vaccine. The American death total is now way over 160,000. This is a national tragedy for all of us.

 We as ordinary citizens really  don’t know what to say or what to do. We all hope that the 2020 election will bring us new hope.



從賀錦麗的生長過程看來, 她生長在加州奧克蘭一個牙買加及印度後裔的中產階級 ,父親在大學教書,母親是醫療研究專家,當父母離異後,她和妹妹就如一般孩童一樣, 每天乘校車上學 ,上公立高中 ,但是由于她卓越表現, 在加州大學法學院畢業後,一路在政治上十分順暢,從地方檢察官到加州檢察長,一直到美國參議员。

 今天她正走向白宮之路,民主黨是否穩操勝券尚难預料 ,但是賀錦麗代表的非裔、亞裔及女性選民 ,絕對是選勝之关键。

 新冠疫情擴散至今,已超過半年之久, 疫苗何時發現尚未確定 ,俄羅斯之疫苗普遍又未被看好, 孩童上學後疫情難控,多半的中小商業更是哀鴻遍野,無法生存,如今選期不遠,希望十一月三日總統大選能為國家帶來新希望。