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Harris Helps Massive Surge In Fundraising

Right after Kamala Harris became Joe Biden’s running mate, the Democratic presidential ticket hauled in $48 million dollars in just 48 hours. This is a new chapter for the Democratic Party to nominate an African Asian woman on the ticket.

In any political election, money and votes are the most important elements. The candidates need money to advertise on TV and all media. They need to hire more people off the street to go door- to-door. All these activities need funds to achieve their goals. Like congressmen, their terms are two years right after they take over the office and they need to move right away on the next campaign. 

Most politicians can’t just depend on their salaries to survive. They need to have campaign funds to promote all their activities and they depend on people to donate the money.

In our society, the big donors to judges or other politicians will have influence on them. This is the way our system works.


賀錦麗於週二晚上成為民主黨總統候選人拜登的搭檔時,立即得到黨內人士之支持,仅在四十八小時內就募到四千八百萬助选经费, 而且是有史以來民主黨提名有非裔及亞裔背景的女性候選人,寫下了美國歷史的新頁。


美國的地方市郡之選舉经常舉行, 尤其是每兩年就必改選的國會眾議員 ,他們剛上任就得很快準備下次連任籌備工作。


總之,民主選舉有其不足之處 ,钞票是首要條件, 否則就沒有經濟支援, 很多事都寸步難行了。