
Kamala You Are The Model For Immigrants
In the early 1970’s when I first arrived in America from Taipei, it was the end of the Vietnam war. My first stop was the city of Berkeley in the San Francisco Bay area. In a letter that I wrote to my parents, I said, “Mom and Dad, I am here in a different world. I have seen a lot of people demonstrating in the streets, many homeless and antiwar people against the government. But I could see in their faces they still had self-confidence.”
Kamala Harris was just an infant at that time. When she became the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, she spoke out and was so proud of her ethnic background – her father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. During the Vietnam war period, most of the young people supported the antiwar movement, including her parents. After President Johnson signed the immigration bill, hundreds of thousands of young students and regular people could now come to America. Here they started their new lives in this great land and devoted their lifetime efforts to fight for the future. There are so many successful immigrant stories in America.
We are so proud that Kamala Harris is one of America’s most successful immigrant stories and has become one of the most outstanding citizens in the country. Her story teaches all immigrants that everybody needs to just have confidence. She has set a very good example for many of us including the next generation.
This November, the presidential election should bring such an important change for our nation. Let us all hope this will be the case. God bless America.
移民兒女 光宗耀祖
七十年代初期,我隻身從台北抵達美國,首站就是舊金山灣區的柏克萊市,那時越戰已经結束,街上及公園𥚃都住有許多反戰的嬉皮份子,我在抵達後的第一封家書中曾禀告父母親說“兒已安抵美國,睜眼目睹的是另一個世界, 街上到處是遊行人群 ,但每一個人似乎都充滿著非常自信的面孔。”賀錦麗正是那個時代的女嬰, 她成為美國民主黨副總統候選人之後, 從未掩饰她是牙買加移民父親及印度裔母親之背景,她並以此為榮 ,共和黨還質疑她是否是真正的美國人, 這簡直是個笑話, 這根本就是歧視移民之心態。
一九六五年,一名來自印度南部的大學生郭帕拉进入加州大學柏克萊分校主修醫學,和來自牙買加的年輕人哈里斯相遇相愛而生下了賀錦麗, 這對年青學子正碰上美國反戰大遊行, 他們手推嬰兒車在柏克萊大街上參加了反戰隊伍, 那年也是詹森總统正式簽署《移民法案》, 准許成千上萬的世界各地學生及難民入境, 賀錦麗的父母不久离异,這位短小精幹只有五呎高的單親媽媽一手把兩個女兒拉拔長大,在她對母親之回憶中, 她是一位對子女管教甚嚴且教導她們不要對社會之不公去抱怨,唯有面對困難去解決,賀錦麗在單親媽媽之精神感召下,從小就以堅定意志,從律师到檢查長再成為參議員,如今才五十五歲就被選為副總統候選人, 這個傳奇故事只有發生在美國。
美國是個移民國家, 千千萬萬來自全球的學生和移民, 前仆後繼湧至這塊土地而成為美國人, 我們所追求之美好生活是建立在勤勞努力向上之基礎上,成功絕不是偶然。
今天賀錦麗站上了世界舞台, 她的成就激勵和感動了多少移民子女,我們終於當家做主, 让我們共同歡呼,並祝國運昌隆!