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美國新冠疫情日記 0907

美國新冠疫情日記 0907

Two Texas Cities Selected As Best Places To Retire

 Forbes Magazine selected Dallas and San Antonio as the best retirement cities in America. Dallas with and active population of 1.35 million has a median home price of just $210,000, 21 % below the national average, with a cost of living at 2% above the national average, with  adequate number of physicians per capita. They have no state or estate tax, low to moderate  climate-change risk, a big culture scene, very bike-friendly, yet Dallas does have a high crime rate. Forbes ranks the Dallas Cowboys as the world’s most valuable sports team with a worth of $5.5 billion.

 San Antonio is a major city in south-central Texas with very rich colonial heritage with a population of 1.5 million, a median home price range of only $188,000 which is 34% below the national average.

 Forbes uses 750 American cities in their review and selects 25 of them to be the best overall retirement cities.

 Many of the retire population need to select a city where they want to spend their golden age years. With the coronavirus pandemic still attacking our communities, when the residents of New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles decide to move out of their crowded cities, naturally, Dallas and San Antonio will be their best choice.

 We are hoping that the vaccine will come out soon to rescue our community. That should turn our economy around and point it in a normal direction.

 Texas is the largest state in America, with the exception of Alaska. We have many world-class industries including energy, medical and NASA. We always welcome all those people looking for opportunity to come to Texas.


富比士最新發表全美最好退休城市, 德州聖安東尼及達拉斯入選。該雜誌在評語中說,聖安東尼市有非常足夠的醫療設備及醫生, 空氣質量良好, 有很多自行車道, 经濟情況良好, 没有州稅, 每年氣溫穩定, 而且有濃厚的文化氣息, 但是其中犯罪率較全國水平之上。

另外一個城市達拉斯也有同樣的優勢, 其中住房平均價是二十一萬九千元,比全國均價低百分之二十一 ,沒有州稅及遺產稅, 但缺點是犯罪率高於全國水平。

富士比雜誌每年都對七百五十個城市進行評估,最後選出二十五個最適居及退休之城市,雖然在新冠疫情仍然嚴峻之時,許多面對退休年齡之族群需要選擇退休之城市,尤其是居住在紐約 華盛頓、 舊金山、大都會地區之居民希望離開人口密居之城市遷往比較有空間地區,所以德州地廣人稀就成為大家之首選。


德州是全美除阿拉斯加州外之第一大州, 物產豐富 ,人口稀少, 能源、 太空、 醫療是世界第一 只要经濟復甦,前景非常樂觀, 是移居創業之首選。