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  • 聯繫人:hccs.edu/apply

  • 電話:713-718-2000 / 713-718-2277

  • 郵箱:

  • 地址:5601 West Loop S., | Houston, TX 77081

  • 網址:http://www.hccs.edu


HCC社區大學提供數百門課程 為升學及職涯準備 終身教育不斷提升 HCC課程的設計針對不同的人群,不論是應屆學生、還是尋求成人教育的在職人士,都是HCC的服務對象。社區大學的課程培訓人才,來滿足不同行業的技能需求,讓學生畢業後找到工作、或在HCC獲取學分和副學士學位後進入四年制大學在兩年內完成學士學位。 HCC社區大學課程設置類別: 1. 四年制大學轉學組: 學生在HCC畢業後,取得副學士學位。想繼續深造就讀的學生,可以轉念四年制大學,HCC學分普遍被四年制大學承認,可直接報讀大三的課程,繼續大學課程的後兩年,以取得學士學位。 2. 副學士職業組: 學生在HCC畢業後,直接找工作上班,因為學有所長,求職相對容易。 3. 短期專業證書 (Certificate) 組: 提供一邊工作、一邊在HCC進修的機會,提升專業水平,在HCC取得證書後可以在職場更上層樓,與行業需求最新的技術相接軌。對現有工作不滿意的人,若是希望轉換行業,HCC提供大量高新技術課程,能提升學生的求職競爭力,換取更好的工作。舉例來說,目前的三維印製(3D printing)以及網絡安全(Cybersecurity)很紅火,學生來HCC進修,拿了證書之後,立刻可以開闢新的職業機會,獲取高薪。2020年,HCC成為德州第一家、也是唯一的一家社區大學創設了人工智能(Artificial Intelligence或簡稱AI)副學士學位課程。 社區大學的優點 社區大學的優點有哪些?首先是學費便宜很多,學生在HCC上頭兩年,然後轉到一般大學繼續就讀,這樣子學費可以省很多。例如,若是住在HCC校區範圍內的學生,在休斯頓大學修一門課的費用可以在HCC修6門課。如果是HCC校區範圍之外,則可以修3門課。 其次,優點還有課程多樣化(更多實用課程的選擇),如果想就業,可以選擇職業訓練及專業技能課程,上課時間更有彈性,且注重理論與實務的結合,這些好處都讓不少人考慮進HCC就讀。 在師資部分,許多HCC的教授也在其他大學教授,課程內容都一樣,教學同樣的紮實,而花費卻更少。 報名入學網址: https://hccs.edu/virtuallobby及電話713.718.2000 Houston Community College at Your Doorstep Serving southwest Houston and Fort Bend County, Houston Community College Southwest offers myriad academic and workforce enrichment programs. The credit courses are transferable to four-year universities in Texas while certificates can be completed in as few as six months. Students also receive academic and career advising, admissions assistance and financial aid guidance. The college offers academic courses covering a breadth of disciplines and industry-focused education in information technology, smart manufacturing, digital communication, visual and performing arts, business, health, construction trades, drone technology, welding, truck driving, and more. The college offers adult and continuing education for those looking to upskill or change careers. With the same academic rigor, HCC offers affordable tuition at a fraction of that of a four-year university. The West Loop campus is home to the Information Technology program focused on digital gaming and simulation, coding, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and digital communication. The campus also features a cutting-edge Virtual Reality Lab for instruction and industrial career training.  The Stafford campus comprises four learning facilities including a smart manufacturing education center, home to a U.S. Department of Labor-designated apprenticeship program. The campus offers education in manufacturing; IT; construction trades; welding; business; and media, visual and performing arts. The Missouri City campus offers prerequisite courses for health professions such as medical coding and medical business office professional. Also offered are IT, business management, real estate, natural sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. The Brays Oaks campus has credit courses and short-term classes to upgrade skills for better careers in the IT, business, and healthcare industries, and much more. HCC brings education to your doorstep with quality programs, small class size, flexible online and in-person learning options, affordable tuition, and varied pathways to fulfilling careers. For more information or to apply, call 713.718.2277 or visit hccs.edu/apply. For online assistance, visit hccs.edu/virtual-lobby.