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  • 联系人:hccs.edu/apply

  • 电话:713-718-2000 / 713-718-2277

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  • 地址:5601 West Loop S., | Houston, TX 77081

  • 网址:http://www.hccs.edu


HCC社区大学提供数百门课程 為升学及职涯準备 终身教育不断提升 HCC课程的设计针对不同的人群,不论是应届学生、还是寻求成人教育的在职人士,都是HCC的服务对象。社区大学的课程培训人才,来满足不同行业的技能需求,让学生毕业后找到工作、或在HCC获取学分和副学士学位后进入四年制大学在两年内完成学士学位。 HCC社区大学课程设置类别: 1. 四年制大学转学组: 学生在HCC毕业后,取得副学士学位。想继续深造就读的学生,可以转念四年制大学,HCC学分普遍被四年制大学承认,可直接报读大三的课程,继续大学课程的后两年,以取得学士学位。 2. 副学士职业组: 学生在HCC毕业后,直接找工作上班,因為学有所长,求职相对容易。 3. 短期专业证书 (Certificate) 组: 提供一边工作、一边在HCC进修的机会,提升专业水平,在HCC取得证书后可以在职场更上层楼,与行业需求最新的技术相接轨。对现有工作不满意的人,若是希望转换行业,HCC提供大量高新技术课程,能提升学生的求职竞争力,换取更好的工作。举例来说,目前的三维印製(3D printing)以及网络安全(Cybersecurity)很红火,学生来HCC进修,拿了证书之后,立刻可以开闢新的职业机会,获取高薪。2020年,HCC成為德州第一家、也是唯一的一家社区大学创设了人工智能(Artificial Intelligence或简称AI)副学士学位课程。 社区大学的优点 社区大学的优点有哪些?首先是学费便宜很多,学生在HCC上头两年,然后转到一般大学继续就读,这样子学费可以省很多。例如,若是住在HCC校区范围内的学生,在休斯顿大学修一门课的费用可以在HCC修6门课。如果是HCC校区范围之外,则可以修3门课。 其次,优点还有课程多样化(更多实用课程的选择),如果想就业,可以选择职业训练及专业技能课程,上课时间更有弹性,且注重理论与实务的结合,这些好处都让不少人考虑进HCC就读。 在师资部分,许多HCC的教授也在其他大学教授,课程内容都一样,教学同样的扎实,而花费却更少。 报名入学网址: https://hccs.edu/virtuallobby及电话713.718.2000 Houston Community College at Your Doorstep Serving southwest Houston and Fort Bend County, Houston Community College Southwest offers myriad academic and workforce enrichment programs. The credit courses are transferable to four-year universities in Texas while certificates can be completed in as few as six months. Students also receive academic and career advising, admissions assistance and financial aid guidance. The college offers academic courses covering a breadth of disciplines and industry-focused education in information technology, smart manufacturing, digital communication, visual and performing arts, business, health, construction trades, drone technology, welding, truck driving, and more. The college offers adult and continuing education for those looking to upskill or change careers. With the same academic rigor, HCC offers affordable tuition at a fraction of that of a four-year university. The West Loop campus is home to the Information Technology program focused on digital gaming and simulation, coding, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and digital communication. The campus also features a cutting-edge Virtual Reality Lab for instruction and industrial career training.  The Stafford campus comprises four learning facilities including a smart manufacturing education center, home to a U.S. Department of Labor-designated apprenticeship program. The campus offers education in manufacturing; IT; construction trades; welding; business; and media, visual and performing arts. The Missouri City campus offers prerequisite courses for health professions such as medical coding and medical business office professional. Also offered are IT, business management, real estate, natural sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. The Brays Oaks campus has credit courses and short-term classes to upgrade skills for better careers in the IT, business, and healthcare industries, and much more. HCC brings education to your doorstep with quality programs, small class size, flexible online and in-person learning options, affordable tuition, and varied pathways to fulfilling careers. For more information or to apply, call 713.718.2277 or visit hccs.edu/apply. For online assistance, visit hccs.edu/virtual-lobby.