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美南广场 / 董事长介绍



Safety Is The Best Political Slogan

In the last six months, because police brutality has created so much social unrest and incited demonstrations all over the United States, especially in Portland and Seattle, many people went to the streets and burned police stations and interrupted local businesses and attacked the security personnel.

The President wanted to use more U.S. military force to calm down the rioting, but the Secretary of Defense refused to do it.

For a lot of ordinary citizens and small businesses, a peaceful environment with security and safety is really needed to do business.

A bill creating a task force to study how reparations could be implemented statewide has passed in the California Assembly. If this bill becomes law, that will have a big influence on American politics.

The President is using the social safety issue to try and gain support from those voters who have become very tired of all the community unrest.

Democratic challenger Vice President Biden really needs to face this problem. The 2020 election is coming in less than two months. Our future depends on a leader who can help us with today’s problems and lead us into the future.



近月来全国各地由於警察射杀黑人事件,大小城市示威不断,而且上演掳抢烧火事件, 尤其是西雅图波特兰更有暴徒划地為营火烧警察局长期佔领街道商家无法营业 造成对社会治安严重影响。


 对一般平民百姓而言社会治安非常重要做点小生意也需要安定之社区环境, 如果每天不是被偷就是被抢日子怎么过下去!



 我们的民主选举已经早变味了為了争取选民大家都在演戱尤其面对大眾及媒体幕前及幕后可以说两种不同的选举语言只要得到选票违背良心又如何呢 ?