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美国新冠疫情日记 0912

美国新冠疫情日记 0912

The 2020 Election Is Here

The 2020 Presidential election is coming. This is the most important election in our recent history. The results will not only be for America, but also for the whole world.

Starting this week, Southern News Group has invited Professor Esther Lee to be our guest to talk about the 2020 election. Dr. Lee is a Republican. She is one of the pioneer politicians in our community. Not only recognized for her academic achievements, she is also an important leader for all of us.

When we naturalized as U.S. citizens, it became both our right and responsibility to go and vote in local or national elections because we are the ones who make the decisions for our future. In our immigrant community, a lot of people just ignore their voting rights. But this time, we strongly urge all of you to go out and vote. For those seniors over 65, they can vote by mailing in their vote, or they can go and vote early too.

In this pandemic time, all the people are suffering in different ways, but we still need to fight our battle to overcome this disaster.

The light is at the end of the tunnel now. The vaccine should be on the way.



美南融媒体即日起推出大选倒数计时节目, 首先由着名教育文化专家李恕信博士上阵, 畅谈美国总统大选的过去现在及未来 李教授是我们亚裔参政之先驱及表率是终身共和党员但是她对这次大选有不同之看法。

我们成為美国公民有权利也更有义务, 其中就是要去投票 不论是地方或全国选举 都应该积极参与, 也是显示我们社区团结的最佳方式。

世界疫情仍然猖獗 各州政府正在寄出邮寄投票的信函 尤其是六十五岁以上的长者皆可利用邮寄投票或者是在选举投票日之前的先投票请大家千万不要放弃自己的权利。