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美国新冠疫情日记 09/18

美国新冠疫情日记 09/18

   Dialogue With Sheriff Gonzales

Our old friend Sheriff Ed Gonzales met with a group of Asian Community leaders recently and talked about the issues facing all of us.

Ed is a native-born Houstonian. He is from a Mexican immigrant family. As a poor kid, his life is a success story for all of us. After he graduated from the University of Houston, he joined the Houston Police Department (HPD) and later became City of Houston councilman and later was elected to the position of Harris County Sheriff. Under his command, he led a police force of five thousand with a $550 million budget.

Ed urged the international and immigrant community to join his team in order to better serve our community.

Under his supervision Harris County also has opened a Women’s Center Medical Clinic and provided many other social services to local residents.

As a first generation of Latino descent, Sheriff Gonzales is our leader. His success story will pave the way for many youth in the new generation.

Hi Ed, we are so very proud of you.


德州休斯敦赫里斯郡警长根扎勒今午和亚裔社区领袖进行一场视讯对话,就广泛的治安及社会问题交换意见 。 

根紥勒警长是我们多年来的老朋友 , 他是在休斯敦出生的墨西哥裔家庭, 父母皆是新一代的移民, 由於他在艰难的环境中克服困难,在休斯敦大学毕业 ,从基层警察开始 ,曾当选為市议员 ,四年前就任警长, 管理五千名员警,每年预算五亿五千万美元。 

警长在对话中首先对疫情在社区造成之不幸表示高度之关切, 他保证将尽力来帮助社区之安全。 

他特别呼吁,希望亚裔社区之青年也能加入警卫之工作, 他们更需要有双语能力的人到国际移民社区工作。 

对於家庭暴力事件之激增 ,他们也设有妇女中心, 除了帮助解决家庭纠纷也设有心理辅导中心, 希望大家广加利用。 

根扎勒警长说 ,我们就是人民之保姆 , 是為人民服务的队伍,  他特别提醒在颱风时期要準备好应急食品及照明设备,  要大家慎防到银行后有人跟随打劫。 

在此疫情猖狂时期 ,许多家庭面临经济困难, 诸如缴不了房租, 他们都会尽量帮助。

这位警长来自社会底层之墨裔家庭, 他对我们国际移民社区特别瞭解和同情 ,他将应邀每週接受美南电视之专访, 和大家相互沟通。