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美国新冠疫情日记 10/01

美国新冠疫情日记 10/01

Is This A National Embarrassment?

President Trump and challenger Joe Biden’s debate turned into a chaotic disaster. 

In the 90-minute showdown, President Trump interrupted Biden and moderator Chris Wallace more than 70 times. Biden responded by mocking the president calling him a “clown,” a “racist” and “the worst president America has ever had.” 

Trump also has asked his supporters to go to the polls and watch the results very carefully. Trump declared that he wouldn’t support the results under “certain circumstances.” He said, “If I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, I can’t go along with that.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced today that it would add additional structure to the remaining faceoffs between President Trump and former Vice President Biden after Tuesday night’s chaotic clash in Cleveland.

Eleven Democratic governors issued a joint statement today voicing concern about the integrity of the November election declaring that they, “will not allow anyone to willfully corrupt the democratic process by delegitimizing the outcome or by engaging in the appointment of fraudulent electors against the will of the voters.”

Today we are facing the biggest crisis in our election history which is that the outcome may not be accepted by one of the candidates. 

We as the model of democratic systems across the globe have displayed a chaotic presidential debate to the entire world that is really a national embarrassment.


总统和拜登副总统之首次辩论真是一个灾难在九十多分鐘之过程中川普总统总共打断了拜登的谈话七十次之多拜登谴责川普不但是骗子,也是美国有史以来最烂的总统双方相互指责叫骂, 真是一场闹剧。

其中最令人担忧的是川普总统要求他的支持者在投票当天务必到投票所去观察他说“ 如果我们发现有成千上万有疑虑的选票我们不会承认选举结果。“

全美十一个民主党执政的州长今天也发表声明, 将绝不容许对选举公平性进行歪曲之行為以保障投票人应有之权益。

令人非常遗憾的是,我们号称是世界民主政治选举之典范当我们即将在一个月内进行大选总统还在挑战选举结果的公平性, 我们二百五十年来所累积的政治经验岂不是毁於一旦

( 图片来源: 路透社)