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美国新冠疫情日记 10/05

美国新冠疫情日记 10/05

Does The President Follow The Rules?

On Sunday afternoon President Trump left the hospital for a surprise motorcade drive past supporters outside the Walter Reed Military Medical Center where he is being treated for an infection of the coronavirus.

At least two other people, probably agents of the U.S. Secret Service, were seen on video in the vehicle accompanying Trump. 

The Trump campaign defended his decision to leave Walter Reed Medical Center and take a short drive to wave to his supporters outside the hospital showing people he is very grateful for all the support they have shown him.

Dr. James Phillips from George Washington University who is an attending physician at Walter Reed Medical Center called the stunt “insanity.”  He said every single person in the President’s vehicle now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They could possibly get sick and die from this action. 

The White House Correspondents Association released a statement condemning the White House for not informing the press pool that Trump would be making an appearance outside of the hospital. The statement said, “It is outrageous for the president to have left the hospital even briefly amid a health crisis without a protective pool present to ensure that the American people know where their president is and how he is doing.”

Today the whole world is watching to learn how Trump’s health challenge will unfold. Every move and new development in the president’s health will be directly related to and affect the security of the world. 

As the whole nation is still fighting this horrible disease, according to health experts, by the end of this year we will lose more than 350,000 lives. 

We urge President Trump to come up with more serious measures to save lives.

       总统越规 疫情恶梦

週日下午住院治疗的川总统突然出现在医院外面的大街, 从总统座车内向一堆支持者挥手致意, 他称讚这些人是爱国者, 在座车中至少有两名安全人员坐在总统座车前面。

川普助选团队认為川普总统為了向游行者表达谢意 在座车中向这些爱国者致谢这个行动不值得大惊小怪但是该院之驻院医师菲力表示总统的行為令人不可思议, 驾驶和随扈今后要隔离十四天,他们可能会得病而死亡。


今天世界各地都在注视川普之病情 专家预估到年底為止将会有超过三十五美国人死於新冠病毒这是多麼令人惊恐和愤怒的数字总统先生请快出台可行之措施来救救我们可怜的百姓吧!