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美国新冠疫情日记 10/28

美国新冠疫情日记 10/28

Soul Of Our Nation Is At Stake

Even in the fast-worsening pandemic, both presidential candidates are still very busy with their final campaigns.

President Trump openly accused the media of not wanting to talk about anything other than, “COVID, COVID, COVID.” He called it the worst public health crisis of the century and said it would disappear as soon as the election was over. The White House also has abandoned public briefings on the crisis. President Trump is defending territory all over the map and must win a long list of swing states to gain 270 electoral votes.

Democratic Vice President candidate Kamala Harris will be here in Texas on Friday. This is the first time that Texas might turn from a red to a blue state.

Biden also visited Warm Springs, Georgia, the spa town where President Roosevelt sought relief for his polio-wracked body as he led the nation during the Great Depression and World War II. His appearance will draw an analogy with a Democratic President who took office in the crisis and led the country to better times.

The election is less than one week away. Most voters have already decided who they will vote for. We are urging all people that you must take this opportunity to join this political activity and remember that this election is directly related to our future and world peace. 

As Joe Biden said today, “The soul of our nation is at stake.”



川普总统指责媒体大幅宣染疫情新闻他认為只有在大选过后病毒也会消失白宫最近也取消了疫情新闻简报川普总统近日来走遍各大摇摆州, 争取二百七十张选举人票。

民主党副总统候选人贺锦丽週五将走访德州,希望争取更多选票把德州重返支持民主党阵营, 拜登也於週二访问乔治亚州春城旧地重游罗斯福总统当年復健小儿麻痺症之地方当时正值二次世界大战期间 全国正处於战乱紧急时期,这也象徵拜登将在国家危急之时来领导国家大政。

大选就在眼前我们仍然呼吁大家一定要去投下神圣一票你的参与是对国家的责任和义务, 就如拜登在大会上所说,我们共同找回美国的国魂。

( 图片来源: 路透社)