
当选总统拜登与韩国总统文在寅通话,对文在寅总统的祝贺表示感谢,并表达了他的愿望,以加强美国与韩国同盟是印度洋 - 太平洋地区的安全和繁荣的关键。当选总统盛赞COVID – 19流行期间在文在寅总统的坚强领导下,对解决大流行,建立全球卫生安全,并刺激全球经济复苏的合作。他指出,他期待与文在寅总统紧密合作,应对从朝鲜到气候变化等其它共同挑战。当选总统和文在寅总统还讨论了共同的价值观,巩固美韩同盟,以及在加强民主符合双方的利益。
November 11, 2020
Readout of the President-elect's Foreign Leader Calls
President-elect Joe Biden took part in separate congratulatory calls this evening with the leaders of Australia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
The President-elect spoke with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia. The President-elect thanked Prime Minister Morrison for his congratulations and expressed his commitment to strengthen the U.S.-Australia alliance. The President-elect underscored that the United States and Australia share both values and history, and noted that the United States and Australia have fought side-by-side in every conflict since World War I. The President-elect said that he looks forward to working closely with Prime Minister Morrison on many common challenges, including containing the COVID-19 pandemic and guarding against future global health threats; confronting climate change; laying the groundwork for the global economic recovery; strengthening democracy, and maintaining a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.
The President-elect spoke with Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan. The President-elect thanked Prime Minister Suga for his congratulations and complimented him on his steady leadership amidst a governing transition for Japan. The President-elect underscored his deep commitment to the defense of Japan and U.S. commitments under Article V, and he expressed his strong desire to strengthen the U.S.-Japan alliance even further in new areas. They discussed the need to cooperate on COVID-19, build resilience against future global health crises, and begin the global economic recovery. They also spoke about their shared commitment to tackle climate change, strengthen democracy around the world, and reinforce the U.S.-Japan alliance as the cornerstone of a prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific region.
The President-elect spoke with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea. The President-elect thanked President Moon for his congratulations, expressing his desire to strengthen the U.S.-ROK alliance as the linchpin of security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. The President-elect praised President Moon’s strong leadership on COVID-19, noting his commitment to cooperate on addressing the pandemic, building global health security, and stimulating global economic recovery. He observed that he looks forward to working closely with President Moon on other shared challenges, from North Korea to climate change. The President-elect and President Moon Jae-in also discussed the shared values that underpin the U.S.-ROK alliance as well as their mutual interest in strengthening democracy.