美国新冠疫情日记 11/12

We Say Thank You To All Veterans
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Texas has surpassed 1 million COVID-19 infections and has become the first U.S. state to record such a staggering number of cases. This represents about one-tenth of the nation’s more than 10 million positive tests that were reported from the Lone Star state.
Texas also reported more than 10,000 new cases for the second day in the row.
El Paso County is among the hardest hit in the country. The report also showed that more people in Texas prisons have contracted the virus than in any other prison system in the country.
We feel so sad that Texas has suffered so much, even though we have the largest medical center in the world. But we still can’t rescue them all.
White House political affairs director Brian Jack has tested positive for the coronavirus. This adds to a growing list of individuals in President Trump’s orbit who have contracted the virus.
Today is also Veterans Day. We take this opportunity to salute all the service men and women for their sacrifice for our country. In this pandemic time a lot of veterans also need help.
Today President Trump still denies the outcome of the 2020 election. But this cannot change an undeniable reality: Joe Biden won decisively ending up with over five million votes ahead of Trump.
We all hope the political dispute in D.C. will be ended as soon as possible. We don’t want to see many of our citizens still losing their battle with the virus.
根据霍布金斯大学发表之统计, 德州今天确诊人数已超过一百万人, 居美国之冠, 目前全国确诊人数是一千万人,徳州就佔了十分之一, 这是非常恐怖之数字。 我们还有全世界最大最好的医疗中心, 也抵挡不了这个兇残的病毒。
今天是美国退伍军人节, 我们要特别向為国在各种战疫中牺牲奉献的官兵们致以最高的敬意,今天当疫情还在不断蔓延扩散的时候, 我们更需要照顾那些生活在困苦的退役军人们。
不幸的是,川普总统不承认自己败选而开啟了法律争夺战, 拜登在无法得到白宫正常之帮忙下, 正在紧锣密鼓进行筹备工作, 在未来七十天之空窗时间会有什麼变化, 实在难予预料。
世界正在密切关注我们的政情发展, 川普总统挟着七千多万票之人气看来不会鬆手, 我们目睹疫情严重,经济下滑、社会不安, 值此艰难时期也许只有自求多福了。
( 图片来源:路透社)