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美国新冠疫情日记 11/16

美国新冠疫情日记 11/16

Our Contribution To The Community

I recently attended the grand opening party of a senior residence in the International District with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Congressman Al Green. This thirty-six unit luxury apartment complex was designed by my cousin, architect C.C. Lee and built by his company, STOA International.

I met C.C. almost thirty-six years ago when he moved to Houston. Because of his hard work and talent, today he has successfully built his own architectural empire including the design of many public buildings like the George R. Brown Convention Center and the Houston International Airport.

C.C. has already opened another full-service senior care center one-half year ago. It is also located on Bellaire Blvd. in the International District.

Mayor Turner and Congressman Al Green both highly praised C.C.’s accomplishments for the community and the City of Houston.

Today when you walk through the International District and the Chinatown area of Houston, Texas, you will find the majority of businesses have been opened by newcomers to the area, especially by Asian-Americans.

Our nation is still facing serious challenges. Politicians in Washington, D.C. are still fighting for power while the pandemic continues to skyrocket. Our people still need to remember that a group of hard-working people still are creating new jobs and economic prosperity.

C.C. Lee is one of our best role models. He is a hero within our community. He is not just out shouting in front of the White House. All across our nation we still have so many of the “silent majority” doing the right thing in all the communities.




李建筑师和我相识已逾三十五年早年迁居休城,当时华人稀少 我们交往甚密,情同手足也常一起参加诸多政治募款活动他对我的邀请从不拒绝是华人参政的表率。

李兄多年来由於他活动力强出手大方已经是活耀在德州政坛上的华亚裔人物, 在事业上更是参予休斯敦机场及会议中心之设计建造工作并在莱斯大学向老美教授中国风水课程宏掦中华文化这些杰出之成就奠定了我们对美国社会的贡献。

今天疫情严重冲击我们华府政争不断许多美国政客不断挑起种族歧视, 怱视我华裔对社会主贡献,一批拿旗在广场上吶喊的示威者他们要把移民赶出去, 更有许多华人在旁助阵不知他们是何目的。
