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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

美国新冠疫情日记 11/21

美国新冠疫情日记 11/21

      The Fed’s Energy And Economic Conference

Today I joined the Dallas and Kansas City Fed’s Fifth Annual Joint Energy Virtual Conference. The President of the Dallas Fed, Robert Kaplan, gave the keynote speech and talked about the state of the energy sector and the outlook for global oil and gas markets, the opportunities and risks of the global energy transition and the changing of the U.S. energy landscape.

This whole day event included sessions in the near-term outlook for global oil and gas markets, opportunities and risks of the global energy transition and challenges in the energy finance.

President Kaplan expected that the 2020 GDP will show a contraction of approximately 3-3.5% and that the unemployment rate at the end of the year will be at approximately 7.5%. These forecasts, of course, depend on the path of coronavirus.

Under the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank System there are 12 branches including branches in Dallas and Kansas City.

Today we finally have a vaccine coming to rescue us from the pandemic. We also saw structural changes in the U.S. economy, including demographics, productivity and Technology-Enabled Disruption.

The Federal Reserve is an independent agency that guides our nation’s financial and economic direction. Their decisions totally affect our future.


今天我参加了达拉斯美国中央储备银行举办的美国能源及经济视讯会议由该行总裁罗拔卡布兰发表了主旨演讲他认為美国全国失业率将会降到百分七点五今年全国经济增长率仍会在百分之三至三点 这些估计当然和疫情发展有密切关係



我们十分欣慰新冠疫苗即将上市 这个救命的神丹是我们之救星 希望大眾早日接种 同时也来挽救困难之经济环境

美国总统交接仍在令人担忧的时刻 希望华府政坛要早日解决僵局 否则真是会世界各国之讥笑更影响我们在全球的威信