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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/30

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/30

我见 我思 我闻


拜登总统当选人即将任命曾任中央银行总裁的耶伦女士出任新政府的财政部长, 她誓言将把美国未来的财经政策重回全球化的舞台。

她批评川普政府对中国大陆扣徴高关税的强硬作法, 对於美国企业帮助不大加收关税等於增加国民之负担而在高科技及5G 问题上得不到解决方案。

她认為川普的双边贸易所导致之贸易战会导致美国之经济衰退危机, 她对於美国不断退出领导国际之地位表示十分忧心并力主支持世界贸易组织。

今年初来新冠疫情在全球造成的巨大海啸风暴使各国经济普遍受到重创, 世界两大经济体美国和中国大陆之贸易关税大战造成世界经济之震撼, 川普利用所有之力量要置中国大陆於死地“ 包括加拿大、 墨西哥及欧洲各国都在他美国优先之政策下打破了世界多边贸易及经济架构之规范造成全球一片混乱及不安。

我们欣见耶伦女士领导的财经团队会重新开啟和中国大陆及世界各国之谈判以和平合理互利之方式来重建美国在国际社会的领导地位, 这才是全世界人民之福。

We Return To The World Economic Stage

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to name Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary to oversee the national economic and national security agendas.

In her role, she will face the challenge of re-engaging with American allies that have been put off by President Trump’s “America First” economic policies and his use of tariffs. She will also face the government’s borrowing spree which is financed by issuing Treasury securities and has now pushed the U.S. budget deficit to levels not seen since World War II.

Ms. Yellen also criticized Trump’s focus on bilateral trade deficits. She described tariffs on China as a tax on American consumers and warned that his trade war with China posed a risk of a recession.

Yellen has also expressed concerns about whether the U.S. is in a retreat from the role of international leadership under Trump.

We are very happy that the new Secretary of the Treasury understands that globalization and trade liberalization raises growth and lowers poverty around the world.

So many troublesome situations are facing our society today. We all hope that the new Biden administration will follow the international norms and systems because we really need the peace and prosperity now.