大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/02

我闻 我见 我思
这番谈话震撼了全国, 更是对川普总统之重大打击, 也让那些川普之盲目粉丝打了一个大耳光。
大选过后,包括我们亚华裔在内的川粉们呼应川普阵营的律师团队,其中包括前纽约市长朱利阿尼在内 ,他们直指大选中民主党做, 并在各大主要城市进行验票及法律诉讼 。到目前為止, 是全案被否决,可是 川普团队却在此时向公眾募到一亿五千万元作為法律诉讼基金, 这真是令人吃惊的事。
我们非常遗憾地指出,美国这个伟大的国家是我们共同奉献耕耘的家园,也更是世界民主政治之典范, 今年的选举, 由於共和党之大举反对, 组成龎大律师团队 ,结合了许多不分青红皂白的盲目媒体及社群人士 ,在毫无证据之情形下, 造谣生事诬指大选舞弊。
今天就连川普的死党巴尔都证实大选并未发现任何不妥之处 ,希望这批盲目的川粉醒来吧。
Barr Says No Evidence Of Fraud
U.S. Attorney General William Barr says the U.S. Justice Department hasn’t uncovered fraud that could have tipped the election. His statement reaffirmed Biden’s win despite President Trump’s groundless claims that he was defrauded.
In the meantime, Georgia’s election officials urged Trump to stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence.
Trump’s lawyer, ex-mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani reply to Barr’s interview and said, “with the greatest respect to the attorney general, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud,” but sources indicated that he has also been discussing receiving a preemptive pardon from President Trump.
Today President-elect Biden introduced the economic team that he will rely on to help rebuild the American economy. He also called on Congress to pass a substantial relief package to help keep businesses, households and local governments afloat.
We regret that many of Trump’s supporters include many Chinese and other Asian voters who are misleading the general public claiming the election is a fraud.
The United States of America is the land we all love and call home. We all need to build the model of a democratic government together.
After all, we are still very proud that our democratic system is working and working very well.