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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/03

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/03

我思 我见 我闻

我们最难挨的寒冬  口罩和疫苗同等重要

虽然疫苗已经问世 但是面对圣诞假期及即将到来的寒冬,将对我们有一场非常严峻的考验。

美国疾管中心主任莱菲尔医生警告,新冠疫情之死亡人数到二月底可能会接近四十五万人次,这个令人惊悚的数据,似乎在华府执政者没有感觉,莱菲尔主任同时劝告国人要戴口罩、保持距离及勤洗手也许会减少伤亡人数, 他对於那些主张不要戴口罩的人表示十分不满, 他说我们的问题在於还在辩论是否要戴口罩, 他在国会做証时曾经表示, 口罩和疫苗一样重要。

正当死亡人数激增的时刻, 川普总统也明白他在位日子已经不多, 他正在考虑对他的子女女婿及本人之特赦, 包括前纽约市长朱里阿力在内的政治伙伴, 但是这项特赦令不包括民事官司在内。 据称, 纽约地方法院已经着手在川普下任之后对他提起税务和财务之民事诉讼案件。

美各地的前线医护人员即将从本月上旬开始接受新冠疫苗种植,但还是赶不上病毒之猖狂, 因此我们还是要度过一个黑暗的寒冬。

The dark winter is coming

Dr Redfield Director of The Center of Disease Control warned that this winter may be the most difficult time in U.S. public health history. He said the nation is facing a devastating winter by the end of February total death could reach 450,000 unless a large percentage of Americans take more precaution. Dr Redfield said the death toll could be held down if the public embraced practices like mask wearing. Masks might be as protective as a vaccine

C.D.C. Officials also warned strongly against travel over the holidays. Travel is a door to door experience that can spread the virus during the journey and into communities where travelers visit or live.

When the pandemic enter its serious time in Washington we don’t see Government taking any measure come to rescue. President Trump is said to have consulted his advisors about possibility of granting pre-emotive pardon to his relatives and to his allies. It is an executive power that acts as a check and balance on the federal criminal justice system, enabling a president to bestow mercy upon offenders.

Coronavirus vaccine will be here to give shot to those medics. Personnel on the front line,we hope this will be giving more people as soon as possible. National darkest days soon be over