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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/04

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/04

我见 我闻 我思



全国疫情今天进入非常严峻的时刻週三一天就有二千八百人因新冠病毒而死亡 每天超过十万人确诊, 拜登今天再次抨击川普政府之救治无方,导致二十七万四千人之死亡。

今天在国会山庄民主和共和两党在民情之重大下可能就八千零八亿之救援经济方案达成共识以拯救即将失去失业补助及新冠疫情的受难国民, 川普总统表示,他也会支持这项紧急的救援方案。

国会议员们主张此案一定要在十二月底前通过才能对日愈悪化之疫情得到有效之支援, 同时有成千上万的小型商家也渴望政府伸出援手。

正当感恩及圣诞假期是染病高峯时期在加州橘县地区医疗单位已经分发了五十万剂家庭新冠病毒测试剂可以居家测试 不必到诊所或室外排队检测因為加州加护病房已不堪负荷州长可能宣佈居家隔离及晚上戒严。


( 图片来源:路透社 )

Biden Appoints Coronavirus Czar

President-elect Biden will appoint Jeffery Zients as the new coronavirus czar. Zients was a top economic advisor under President Obama. His job will be to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Mass distribution of an approved vaccine and the rebuilding of a battered economy will be Biden’s most pressing priorities when he takes office in January.

On Wednesday, the country recorded the highest one-day coronavirus death tally with more than 2,800 COVID-19 deaths reported. According to the COVID Tracking Project, U.S. hospitals on Wednesday reported the number of COVID-19 patients at 100, 226, also is the highest reported on a given day.

On Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Mitch McConnell agreed on  pushing through the stimulus deal, including $908 billion dollars offering a new wave of aid to small business and the unemployed and also helping state and local governments.

Today the UK became the first western country to authorize a COVID-19 vaccine marking an historical moment in the world fight against the coronavirus. The first doses are expected to roll out next week.

We all hope in America that by the middle of this month we will be able to start mass vaccinations, but we are still fighting with the long and dark winter that is coming.