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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/14

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/14


在空陆两栖开动的货车和飞机今天全方位出动,向美国五十州六百个地点运送三百万支救命的新冠疫苗全国各地之大小医院已经开始给予医疗人员注射, 这个歷史的时刻, 証明了人定胜天打败病毒的战争号角已经全面响起。


美国疾管中心主任雷德菲尔德表示此行动将会开始让国民对抗病毒,最终回帰正常状态, 联邦药管局也全面配合,於上週五深夜批准了新药上市。


公卫专家们建议首批接种疫苗的应该是前线之医护人员也应包括在医院工作的人员, 其次是养疗中心之护理人员及年迈的住院者。

福其博士表示, 今底前及明年一二三月份应该对那些比较需要的族群施打四月份就可以向所有国人开放。

目前為止, 联邦政府向辉瑞订购了一亿支疫苗 可供五千万人使用, 相信数量将会继续増加 达到全国三亿人之需求。

今天真是美国及全球最重要的日子, 也正意味着向万恶的病毒开始反攻 OO年真是我们的灾难年, 多少人无辜地失去亲人好友, 多少悲惨的惨剧不断上演 我们要感恩科研人员之努力 把不可能的任务达成。

愿上天赐福大地, 保佑我们的国家。

The Help Is Really On The Way

Around the world countries are being issued emergency approvals for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the people who need them at hospitals, clinics and cars and homes.

 The first three million doses were sent to 600 locations in fifty U.S. states. Trucks and cargo planes were packed with the first coronavirus vaccines on Sunday. This is the most ambitious vaccination campaign in American history.

 In Kalamazoo, Michigan, the first boxes of the vaccine developed by Pfizer were loaded on the trucks as workers applauded openly. This is an historical monument for our nation.

 But the deaths and the number of new virus cases have soared in the United States and the vast majority of Americans will not be eligible for vaccination until this spring. Health officials still urge that the public must wear their masks and keep the social distance.

 Across the country governors and state health officials were preparing for the arrivals of the vaccine shipments. Later they will make the final decision as to who will be given the vaccine first.

 We are really thankful for all those scientists who made their mission from the impossible to the possible.

 In the last eleven months we have been living in hell. Many of us have lost our loved ones, and because of COVID-19, there are many sad stories among all of us.

 Today real help is on the way. We will fight and win against this evil. May the world get back to normal and peaceful very soon.