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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/17

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/17

我见 我闻 我思


辉瑞疫苗的研发成功和住在纽约市的公司副总裁詹胜女士有密不可分关係, 更是她在人生歷程中写下的动人故事。

詹胜女士住在的纽约市区,曾经目睹许多临时停尸车排满在她的巷口, 看到医院急症室中的求诊病人在呻吟, 最令她震撼的是穿梭在路上的救护车昼夜穿梭在大街上巷口的商店都关门了她深深感到唯有尽快发明疫苗才可能拯救失控的疫情 因此她决心卯尽全力来努力,她表示, 在全体员工和德国公司之共同研製下 终于让辉瑞疫苗问世, 对她说来这无疑是她的梦想成真。

詹胜女士之故事, 也是千万人所曾经感受过的日子, 尤其是在最前缐工作医疗和科硏人员,因為他们无私的牺牲和贡献才能有疫苖之发现。

白宫即将换新的主人, 拜登总统就职以后, 民主党执政团队将会改变许多联邦经济政策, 其中最可能的改变是对社区银行之辅助, 将会放宽对各族裔之借贷条件 在房屋政策方向, 政府将加大放宽建造更多的平民住宅。

我们甚盼明年春天疫情可以得到控制, 一切回归正常在拜登执政之始, 让美国经济再现光芒。

Jansen’s Personal Story

Vice President of Pfizer Kathrin Jansen who led the development of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine had a very touching story when she witnessed the death and economic disaster near her home in New York City.

Jansen was interviewed by CBS news and talked about her experience in the pandemic. She said that, “The most chilling thing for me was when we walked our dog and we’d go by the hospital complexes and you’d see one refrigerated truck after the other appearing in the parking lots in front of the hospitals. It was their morgue trucks. It became very personal, the virus. I took this very personally. I wanted to fight it, beat it and fight it down.”

Jansen’s story represents the feelings of so many medical teams and researchers working to fight in the front line and in their laboratories.

Today the Pfizer vaccine came to rescue for the people suffering in the pandemic. We all hope that in the coming months our society will get back to normal.

With the Biden administration soon taking over the White House, there are two fundamental policies that will change. One of them will be helping more community banks to serve their communities with more relaxed credit. The other is the building of more affordable housing for low income people.

Housing is the backbone of our economy. We expect the new administration will get back together with the international community to address all the new challenges we are facing in the current world.