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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/19

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/19

我见 我闻 我思


从八十年代以来 ,大批亚洲移民涌到美洲大陆 ,包括美国和加拿大在内的主要城市, 都打下了非常坚实的济基础 ,也為各国之发展带来了重大之影响

今年的总统大选 亚裔选民对民主党而言变成关键的选胜关键 根据数字统计 亚裔选民占总数的百分之四点七 足以影响乔治亚总统大选的结果,因為拜登只以万二千票打败川普, 根据出口民调顕示 亚裔支持拜登和川普之比例是二比一这项转变主要之原因是亚裔社区多年来未能得到共和党之关注 全国各大城市的华埠 亚洲城及越南城多半都是民主党的天下

今天候任的美国副总统何锦丽不仅热衷於讨论她的亚裔背景 而且深以亚裔為荣 拜登刚任命即将出任美国贸易代表的戴錡代表了亚裔首次全方位的站上全国政治舞台

我们深信在拜登政府之领导下 各个族裔都能在政治上发挥力量 更表明民主党照顾少数族裔的决心

Asian-Americans In Politics

After the 1980’s, many Asian immigrants came to the United States and Canada. Many years later, this group of newcomers settled down in major cities and created an economic miracle which has had a big impact on the U.S. society.

Today, in spite of our differences, Asian-Americans have carved out a relatively cohesive political coalition. It is very clear that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, a Democrat, has been enthusiastic about mentioning her Asian heritage. Another example, the presidential candidate, Andrew Yang, who successfully joined the national political race for president.

President-elect Joe Biden has appointed Katherine Tai as the U.S. Trade Representative. She is the first Asian to serve in this high position.

In the 2020 election, Asian-Americans were suddenly in a crucial position, constituting 4.7 percent of the voting population -- enough to make a difference in the presidential contest in Georgia where Biden won by 12,000 votes.

We are so proud that Asian-Americans are getting more attention in American politics. We need to continue to encourage more young people to run for public office.