大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/06/2021

我见 我思 我闻
乔治亚州的参议院选举中,民主党的维诺以些微票数打败了现任共和党的罗夫勒, 成為该州有史以来首位在南方乔州选出的美国参议员,也是第十一位进入参议院的非裔议员。
维诺在胜选后表示,他深深感激乔治亚人对他的信任,在美国没有一件不可能的事, 这 位政府贫民住宅中长大的参议员,在家中排列十二名孩子中的第十一位,在无比艰辛的生活中他成為一位牧师,在金恩博士同一教会中佈道,在那个黑白阂隔的五十年代 ,他的母亲曾以棉花工為生, 他的成就代表了千万美国非裔社会之成功例子, 他说 “因我们是在美国 ,八十二岁的母亲曾经把棉花做成了枕头, 如今她把自己的孩子选择成 為美国参议员。”
今天在华府,许多共和党人诸如德州参议员克鲁兹等人上演了一场政治闹剧, 企图在选举人票公佈之参眾议院联席会议上,推翻五十州认定的选举人票 ,公然挑战宪法之尊严, 他们已经赔上了自己的霊魂 ,赔上了宪法赋与之公平正义和平交接的传统,為的是要川普继续连任。
共和党在此次大选中公然指使官员做票 ,只要能保住政权可以胡作非為 ,请问这是我们所追求的民主吗?
今天不论在华府街头如何叫嚣 ,不论政客如何為非做歹 ,他们总有下台的一天, 人民的力量将是最佳的答案。
我们非常痛心在疫情加剧 每三十秒就有一个国人死亡的时候, 我们要问縂统你有何感受, 感谢上天, 华府就要变天了。
The Time Of Change Is Coming
Reverend Raphael Warnock has won the Georgia senate seat. He has become the first Black senator in Georgia history and also will be the 11th African American to serve in the US Senate.
Warnock told reporters that his victory was stunning, “But I think in America anything is possible. That’s why I love this country so much and I refuse to give in to the force of cynicism. It takes hard work. Change is slow and often it comes in fits and starts.” He said that he is so deeply honored that Georgia has placed their trust in him.
Warnock grew up in Savannah, Georgia, in public housing. He is the 11th of 12 children in his family. He is the first college graduate in his family. He is a senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached. In his victory speech he said, “Because this is America, the 82-year-old hands that used to pick somebody else’s cotton went to the polls and picked her youngest son to be a United States senator. This election result really teaches the politicians in many ways.”
Today thousands of Trump’s supporters were in Washington, D.C. for rallies to falsely assert that the presidential election was stolen from Trump. Many of them see the demonstration as a last stand for Trump. On this same day, Congress will vote to certify that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.
We are so happy that the American landscape is changing. More and more minorities are entering politics. We urge the leaders of the Republican Party to have courage to defend Biden’s victory.
Biden’s electoral victory is being challenged by some of Republicans attempting the first legislative coup d’etat in American history.
It is the saddest time in our modern history. Every thirty seconds one of our countrymen passes away because of the coronavirus. We all want to ask, “Mr. President, what are you doing now?”