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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/07/2021

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 01/07/2021

我见 我闻 我思


当川在白宫前面向他的支持者发表了非常煽动的演说后, 大批群眾继续前往国会山荘,强行进入国会大厦, 一批暴徒开始打破门窗, 佔领国会参眾两院会场, 一名女子欲破门而入遭警方撃毙, 华盛顿於晚间六时全面戒严 

今天在国会山荘上演的悲剧是美国民主政治史上耻辱的一页, 世界各国领袖立即发表谴责暴力之声明 这是暴徒袭击国会的暴行。

此次暴徒事件是因川普总统不满选举结果 教唆支持者向国会发起攻佔, 此种行径激起大多数国民之愤怒 也导致共和党在乔治亚州参议员选举中双双败北。

这此不幸之事件, 也暴露美国民主制度之缺点 在位四年的川普总统因不满选举结果, 六十二次在法庭中遭到否决, 他公然发表激烈虚假之言论, 譲暴徒们佔领了国会大厦。



所幸国会诸公重啟大会, 让宪法精神再得伸张, 譲我们大家手牵手共同保佑我们热爱的国家。

The Darkest Day In Our Nation

Pro-Trump rioters stormed Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. yesterday right after a rally in front of the White House where President Trump urged his supporters to fight against the ceremonial counting of the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden’s win.

In the late afternoon hundreds of Trump supporters pushed through barriers set up around the Capitol and broke into the building. The doors to the House and Senate were locked shortly after the House floor was evacuated by the police, including Vice President Mike Pence who was to perform his role in the counting of electoral votes. A woman was shot dead on the Capitol grounds after she tried to break down a door of the building.

The Senate floor was cleared of rioters and as of 3:30 pm police had successfully squeezed them away from the building toward Rotunda. Washington D.C. declared a curfew of 6:00 pm and it took to roughly 5:40 pm for the building to be once again secured.

Both the House and the Senate came back and reconvened the meeting until early in the morning. Vice President Mike Pence made Joe Biden’s victory official this morning after long hours of objections from Republican lawmakers.

We saw many of the insurrectionists attacking the Capitol on live TV. They marched through the halls and even posed for pictures in legislators’ offices. They held up cameras when someone bashed in a window. One of the reporters said, “We are witnessing a forceful attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.”

This is really a sad day for our nation. As former Republican president George Bush said, the violent assault on the Capitol was undertaken by, “People whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our nation and reputation.”

Deaths reported across the nation have set a record high and we are facing the biggest challenge in recent history. While in Washington, Senator Mitt Romney said, “This is what the president has caused today, this insurrection.”

We all need to be united to overcome the obstacles for this great democratic nation which all of us love.