大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/23/2021

我见 我思 我闻
已经走进歷史的前总统川普,据说他在权慾薰心之下还準备筹组新党 ,将来在政坛上继续呼风唤雨,我们对川普在美国政治史上造成的重大失策和伤害还不够严重吗?
长久以来,我週遭的友人多半是支持共和党,而且和德州布希总统家族保持良好的互动,我们深信共和党对商业主张减税 ,小政府及尊重个人信仰及自由, 这也就是许多生意人及业主多年来对共和党支持之信条, 不幸的是 川普以共和党之名, 从一个地產商人跃居世界领袖 ,几乎颠覆了整个全球及美国之政经生态, 更不幸的是去年突如其来的新冠疫情, 搞乱了全世界之经济大㺽境及政治版图, 川普的美国优先政策更使美国退出了许多世界国际组织 ,他不但得罪了欧洲盟邦更是把中美关係搞到水火不容, 也更间接影响到在美国的华裔族群。
各位兄弟姐妹们,今天我们已经改朝换代了, 我们当然不愿看到政府会加税来救济贫苦大眾, 但是,自从元月二十日拜登上台后, 我们再也看不到以推特治国之领导人, 大家都无法预测他下一步, 全国人心惶惶 ,社会充满矛盾仇恨和不安。
感谢上天, 我们的心情实在平静多了, 只是疫情加重, 经济不振, 有许多人吃不上饭。
我们号称世界上最富有之国家,何以会沦落至此, 大家都应三思。
The Beginning Of America After The End Of Trump
Trump is ending his presidency with the worst jobs record and has left the country in the grips of an epistemic crisis.
Americans are now angrier, more fearful and trust each other much less as communities are being ripped apart by the nation’s politics more than ever before.
In the last several decades a lot of close friends were Republicans which was the party that wanted small government and less taxes. We as businessmen wanted to follow this policy to get business moving ahead. But unfortunately, when Trump came to power, he was the one who started using the “America First” slogan to turn the country and the world upside down.
Trump was the only president who had ever brought his daughter and son-in-law into the White House to become a senior advisor to president.
House Democrats will send the articles of impeachment to the Senate on Monday. The trial of Trump will start on February 9.
Two weeks after the nation witnessed an attack on the U.S. Capitol, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn into office. We are so happy there is a new leader in the White House.
Today, Dr. Antony Fauci called the Executive Board of the World Health Organization to announce that the United States is remaining with the organization. “I am honored to announce that the United States will remain a member of the World Health Organization.”
This is such an important step that the U.S. has returned to WHO at such a difficult time for our nation. We all need to support the Biden administration to finish his 100 days plan.
As the new president said, “To restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words. It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy: unity.”