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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/04/2021

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/04/2021

2/4/2021星期四 日记

我见 我思 我闻



疾病专家福其博士表示我们要等到百分之七十到八十五的国民种上疫苗才能让整个社会回归正常 根据霍布金斯大学统计, 截至目前為止,美国已经有四十五零八十八人死亡, 巴西也有二十万人, 墨西哥及英国也有十万人因新冠病毒而去世。

加州政府今天开始大量注射疫苗, 尤其在一些贫穷地区 这项行动显然骤效新做数字显示, 确诊人数下降了一半, 驻院病患也减少了百分之三十, 在联邦政府之安排下, 将在全国各大城市设立一百个大型种植疫苗中心 以便大量快捷的為民服务 目前已经有三千四百万人接种之疫苗。

我们非常欣慰看到,拜登新政府上任两星期以来已经非常积极面对新冠疫情造成之危机 首先邀请全国公卫专家加入抢救行列, 决不把政治因素带进专业领域。

今天我们面临诸多挑战 可说是内扰外患, 所幸拜登总统為全国帯来了祥和氛围, 我们的社会比过去四年来得安静多了, 只要大家携手合作, 互敬互爱 家国必然能幸福和繁荣。

We Are Fighting A Vaccine War

President Biden announced that vaccine manufacturers can now ship vaccine orders directly to local pharmacies starting Feb.11th, including CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid. The White House said that 1 million doses will be distributed to 6,500 stores.

California opened up two massive Covid-19 vaccination sites as part of a federal pilot program to quickly boost the number of available doses as the state continues to see improving numbers in cases of deaths and hospitalizations. The new number of daily cases in the state dropped by one-half in just the past two weeks. California now administers about one million doses of vaccine every week.

More than 34 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in the United States now and about 61% of 56 million doses have been distributed. That’s about 1.1 million more administered doses reported on Wednesday. The number jumped from 359,000 on Jan. 6 to 1.32 million now on Feb 3.

We are just so happy and admire the Biden administration for doing a very great job for our people when this pandemic is still destroying our community. What else is more important than to fight against this virus?

In our community we are feeling much more peaceful than before. Even though we are still facing difficulty, we just need to be united and help each other. We will overcome and be a great nation again.