大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/05/2021

我见 我闻 我思
年终岁末,当我们共同迎接牛年之到来,挥别过去新冠疫情為全球带来的灾难,我们从泥沼中站了起来 ,踏上新的列车 ,开啟新的希望。
这是个祝福、关怀的时刻,是希望, 是快乐, 我们凝聚千丝万缕的问侯, 采摘夜空上的星宿, 祝贺大家, 骏牛奔上坦途, 豪情振笔颂新岁。
美南传媒集团在过去一年之疫情灾难中, 从未放弃我们媒体人的天职 ,我们特别感谢在新闻前线上不断奋守岗位的同仁, 冒着生命之危险, 每天继续完成向社会各界传递信息的重责大任, 我们要大声地呼喊 ,我们战胜了这场无声的战斗,我们没有倒下, 我们不断在泥泞的土地上前进。
美国也改朝换代了, 白宫和国会山庄正在回归政治的常轨,找回国家的霊魂, 国事如麻, 我们必须团结一心 ,春天金牛吹响了号角, 撃起战鼓 ,我们写下今天做的愿望, 明天开始在光明之大道上继续冲刺……
我们也非常高兴於今年二月十一日(星期四)美国中部时间下午六时至十时除夕夜透过美南电视及YouTube apple Southern News 频道向全球播送第二十五届国际农历新年网路游园会,透过海内外演艺人士之表演节目,向大家拜年, 欢迎收看。
美南传媒集团 董事长
美国德州休斯敦 国际区区长
Welcome The Year Of The Metal Ox
Last year the world did go through a distinct changing of the times, but all in all, everyone now hopes that the once in 100 years pandemic, economic decline, political turmoil and social unrest all of us have suffered will finally be behind us.
2021 is the year of the ox and it will be a Metal Ox year. The recent zodiac years of ox signs are 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 and 2033. An ox year occurs every 12 years.
I really appreciate that all my colleagues have been fighting in the pandemic time. The world has experienced such a painful and difficult time. But we never stopped publishing our newspaper and broadcasting from our TV station. It was our duty to report the news.
Oxen personalities have an honest nature. Oxen are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. These virtues reflect traditional conservative characteristics.
In order to welcome the year of the Ox, Southern News Group will sponsor our 25th Annual International Lunar Festival on our TV station on Friday, February, 11, 2021, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Central time. You can also watch on all Apple and Android devices. Or tune in to TV 15.3.
Hundreds of worldwide artists and performers will join the virtual celebration to welcome the year of the Metal Ox.