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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/20

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/20


过去一週的寒流侵袭, 我们已经成為第三世界国家了, 虽然供电已经在週五大体恢復 ,但是全德州的自来水一半以上需要煮开后才能饮用, 百分之三十以上的家庭水管爆裂 ,许多家庭被水淹得不堪入目。

休斯敦全市之各大超市有长长的人群在排队抢购饮用水、 麵包及食物 ,各级政府也在昨天开始在广场上发放免费食水。

由于各家水管破裂情况非常严重, 修水工人极度缺乏, 有的排到二三天以后 ,如果没有自来水, 所有餐厅小吃都无法营业, 这已经是将近五天时间了他们要如何支撑下去。

从新冠病毒到严寒气候, 真的把美国打倒了, 多年来失修的基础建设、 清洁能源 ,都是大问题。

今天在街头上看到的凄凉情况, 我们和第三世界有什么不同呢 ?

We Have Become A Third World Country

We are like a third world country. For one week the winter snow blast has attacked us in Texas. Finally, we are in the 40’s, which is still cold for those of us Texans who have never experienced it before. At one point, more than 1.4 million Houstonians’ homes were freezing and without any electricity. By Friday, CenterPoint Energy said that more than 99.7 percent of homes got their power back.

For the last couple of days, because of the city’s water issue, we saw long lines of people lined up in front of super markets for food and drinking water. The efforts have included city and county government giveaways of water to the people who needed it.

A lot of restaurants and small businesses, because of the lack of power and water, have had to close for almost a week. How can these people survive in such a difficult time?

At such a critical time as this, we can see that a lot of our infrastructure is really out of date. When we faced the severe cold weather, especially for Texas, we just can’t make it.

Times are very tough for a lot of us. We hope the new administration will start a new project to update our infrastructure here in Texas. We really need to take dramatic steps to solve the energy problem. Then when the winter comes, we can solve the problem.