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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/22

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/22

我见 我思 我闻

德州人 我们大家以牛仔精神挺住




经过一星期的酷寒和断电,德州今天已经全面恢復供水及电力 但是数百万家庭仍然处於水管破裂之窘境,全州之水电工严重短缺。

德州近十年来遭受到多次水灾,龙捲风也是经常光顾,这一年来,新冠病毒之肆虐,如今又面对百年来罕见之雪灾、水患,对德州人说来,这是歷史上空前之挑战。所幸我们见到无数守望相助雪中送碳的温暖画面,包括拜登总统下令全面紧急救助(请大家立即上网或电话联邦救灾局www.Disaster Assistance .gov 访问FEMA 或电话800-621-3362 查询)。


Texans Shall Overcome Together

After a devastating week for all Texans, finally, we have some relief.

The temperature on Sunday continued to warm, reaching into the 60’s and 70’s --much closer to the normal temperatures at this time of the year.

In last week’s brutal winter storm, millions of homes lost power forcing families to huddle together in front of fireplaces and spend the night in their cars, while others spent many cold hours searching for food on fast-emptying grocery shelves. The frigid temperatures caused pipes to burst and led to water disruptions for half of the state’s population.

Winter temperatures across the state are historically low, and in Dallas, sometimes dip to as low as 5 degrees. Some people this year have died of carbon monoxide poisoning after running their cars in their home garages. 

President Biden has already declared much of Texas a major disaster area. His action makes federal funding available to communities across 77 counties, including the hard hit area of Harris County. The White House said that the president is eager to go down to Texas and show his support.

In the last ten years we as Texans have faced so many challenges including the Harvey hurricane and many other natural disasters. Especially in this coronavirus pandemic time, this severe winter storm really has tested the strength of our community.

Fortunately, all Texans are working together. Our tough “get it done spirit” will overcome our tragedies. Let’s continue to hold our hands together brothers and sisters.