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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/25/2021

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/25/2021


今天一大早天还未亮,美南传媒的员工已经到岗,等待美国休斯敦食物银行的大卡车开进广场, 我们正在準备十点鐘向社区弟兄们发放食物箱及饮水。

上週冰雪风暴之侵袭,造成了许多家庭停水、 断电 ,超市被抢购一空 。今天早上的食物和饮水可以说是一阵及时雨。

不到八点鐘,等待的车辆已经排起了长龙,幸亏今天是个晴天,进入美南广场的入口处,已经有警察在指挥交通,看到如此的长龙大阵仗,我们决定九点半就开始发放工作, 车队排成两条线后便不断上前推进,我们的志工和同仁分别把食物箱、饮水、西爪、香蕉,装入每个人的后车箱,我也再加赠一个中国新春红包,从车窗𥚃,看见许多单亲妈妈带着小孩, 年迈长者们接到红包时露出的笑容,志愿工作者的卖力表现,心中非常感动和感谢。




图片来源 :秦鸿钧

We Sent Our Warm Regards To The Community

Early in the morning today some of our colleagues with many volunteers had already arrived at the Southern News compound ready to serve on Congressman Al Green’s Winter Storm Recovery Drive. A short time past eight o’clock, an eighteen-wheeler truck carrying the Food Bank’s delivery arrived at the ITC building on Bellaire Blvd. and included boxes of food, water and fruits. 

There was a very long line of cars right after eight AM, so we had to open up the line earlier than planned. At about 9 o’clock cars started passing by and all the volunteers started putting the boxes of food and water bottles into each car. In the meantime, I handed out red envelopes to each of them to wish them all good luck in the year of the Ox Lunar New Year.

I saw many single moms with their kids and a lot of elders in the line. I just felt so sad that the natural disaster had caused them so much suffering.

Again we really want to express our deepest appreciation to our dear congressman, Al Green. Whenever we ask for help in the community, he is always the first to take action as he did in today’s recovery event.

We also want to thank all those volunteers who came to help in the line to stock the food and drink for all the people in need.

To all our brothers and sisters: we are going to stand united to help each other. We are all in the same family.