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新闻 / 今日要闻

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/13

我见 我思 我闻


今天应邀和国会议员格林出席了美国联邦政府之紧急援助紓困案之说明 这项一万九千万亿的巨大救助案日前已由拜登总统签署生效一千四百元的现金这两天送到大家手中


在这说明会上各大小城市之民意代表和市长都出席了他们对政府之徳政对於缺钱的市府而 真是一阵及时雨

我在会上也再度要求各级政府应该对华亚裔国际社区多予援助许多微小企业以往根本无法得到照顾如此庞大的大饼大家一定要努力争取 美南传媒和格林办公室从下週起将设立服务专线 為大家展开服务諮询工作

Congressman Al Green Came To The Rescue

Our dear friend and brother Al Green hosted a community meeting to outline all the details about the American Rescue Plan.

Congressman Green said, “I am pleased to announced that the American Rescue Plan which was signed by President Biden includes two pieces of legislation I proposed at the request of the House Financial Service committee chairwoman Maxine Waters. HR 1669 reauthorizes and funds at $10 billion the state small business credit initiative which will unleash $100 billion in low cost capital to small business.”

I also take the opportunity to appreciate our congressman who took to heart the effort to help our community. We will organize the service line to answer all questions from our community businesses.

This is really a great day for all of us. We are looking for better days to come.