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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/17

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 03/17


一年多艰难困苦难挨的日子,让我们华亚裔社区正在面临前所未有之挑战, 其中以种族歧视及经济困难是我们共同要面对之重大变化。




对於种族歧视是一个全国各地面对之问题,拜登总统已经发佈了行政命令, 严厉防范种族歧视事件,我们也期盼社区各界人士能共同研究如何改善当地之治安,帮忙大家脱离心理上之恐惧和不安。


We Are Now Facing A New Challenge

After more than a one year ordeal and much suffering time, we are finally getting out of the woods. But we are now facing economic and discrimination issues and the pandemic is changing our community in many ways,

When the pandemic hit our community last year, President Trump called the virus a “China virus” and the whole nation was full of an anti-Asian and Chinese atmosphere and the attacks were happening all over the country.

The leading Chinese organization, The Committee of 100, sponsored a virtual meeting to discuss how to protect our community and wants the federal government to enforce the law against any discrimination case.

We are also ready to organize a virtual community round table meeting to discuss all the problems we are facing today. The first meeting will be to discuss how to help local businesses apply for financial help through the SBA with the passing of the $1.9 trillion Rescue Bill.

We all hope this is the light at the end of the tunnel. Now we all need to be united and help each other to work for better tomorrow.