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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 04/14

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 04/14

我见 我闻 我思


美国军舰正在驶往黑海,俄罗斯四万名武装部队已经驻进乌克兰东部边境,俄国今天正告美国 最好不要插手,美国和北约正在遭受一场非常严重的挑战。

国务卿布林肯在布鲁塞尔告诉北约外长们说:我们坚决和乌克兰站在一起来维护主权和领土完整,我们已经看到俄罗斯乌克兰边界结集自2024 年来之重兵,这是美国和盟国最大的关切。




Ukraine Stand-Off Intensifies

Russia has warned the United States to stay away from the annexed Crimean peninsula for their own good as the situation in Ukraine intensifies.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with allies and Ukrainian ministers in Brussels and made it clear that the Biden administration along with its allies in Europe have Ukraine’s back and considers Russia’s ongoing military buildup in the region “very provocative.”

Two U.S. warships passed through Turkish waters this week to be deployed in the Black Sea.

In 2014 Russia unilaterally annexed Crimea, a peninsula that sticks out into the Black Sea and is home to a Russian naval base.

Today President Biden phoned Putin and proposed that they meet in a third country to cool down the situation in the region.

But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov said, “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage.”

We are really worried when the world is facing the pandemic and an economic crisis, we don’t want to see a conflict between two superpowers.