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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 04/20

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 04/20

我见 我闻 我思



数位媒体之创建,是把新媒体和商业作完整之结合,我们培养之学生必须透过传统媒体、商业设计、电视影片制作、摄影技术 、虚拟动画来展现沟通协调之教育方式,当同学们毕业后,他们都是新媒体之通才,能全面撑控各种制、 设计及商业计划。


去年一年因疫情影响,同学们都在缐上上课,根据威斯教授之报告并且影响授课之进行,今年也得如期毕业,我们也建议今后是否可以在缐上继续开课,可以向全世界招生, 扩大影响力。


UH Digital Media Is Opening A New Chapter

I was so honored to join the advisory committee meeting this morning at the University of Houston Digital Media Program.

The program prepares technologically-savvy leaders for supervisory positions in the digital media industry. Much of the program is devoted to the utilization of digital media-oriented information technology as it impacts the graphic workflow. Graduates from this program move into positions of service support in businesses specializing in communication through print, internet, multimedia and video technologies.

Our good friend Professor and Program Coordinator Jerry Waite is the one who voted for me to join this group. I am so glad to be part of it.

In the last forty years of my media career, the world has changed very rapidly. We are so lucky in the media business to follow the new technology and to reach more people more effectively.

Southern News Group will try our best to contribute to this program.