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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 04/22

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 04/22

我见 我闻 我思


曾经跪在弗洛依德脖子上的警察德雷肖万週二在明尼苏达州之法案被陪审团判决两项谋杀罪和过失杀人罪成立,将於八週后正式判决,这项消息让全国人民鬆了口气,这项决定也為争取种族公正的活动人士带来了许多慰籍, 这是一年来在全美各地充斥着悲伤愤怒的时刻,各地出现大小抗议活动,也是史上最大规模的群眾示威活动,黑人的命也是命代表了多少被歧视民众的心声和悲剧。


早在六十年代,由金恩博士领导的民权运动,解放黑奴之歷史脉络,争取公民投票,宪法之前人人平等,他在去世前的誓言我有一个梦” 至今并未实现。





Justice Has Been Served

Derek Chauvin, the police office who knelt on George Floyd’s neck, was convicted of two counts of murder as well as manslaughter on Tuesday. The verdict brought some level of peace to activists for racial justice.

All of last year’s calls for racial justice would touch all over the whole nation and become the largest mass protest movement in American history.

The President of the NAACP Derrick Johnson called Floyd’s death, “A Selma, Alabama moment for America.” What happened in Selma in 1965 was about the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and Johnson said that, “The killing of George Floyd should be the catalyst for the reform in policing in this nation.”

“We are here to remember the civil rights leader Martin Luther King--because of his leadership we are able to vote.”

Today both the local and federal levels of government are seeking to reform our policing system.

Racial discrimination is a big problem in the U.S. This covers all of the races including Asian Americans. Since all of last year, the pandemic crisis created and was responsible for many hate crimes against Asian Americans.

We are so glad for the victory in George Floyd’s case, but it is far from over. We need to be united with our African friends to continue our fight until the really true day of victory comes.