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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 04/24

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 04/24


在美国政治之惊涛骇浪之中,拜登在一百天前登上了总统大位,当时新冠疫情正如野火一般吞噬着全美各地,近四十万人丧失宝贵生命,拜登在临危受命之际,誓言将在百天内完成一亿国民种植疫苗,今天已经有两亿人完成种植,这项不可能的任务為拜登得到极高民意之支持, 接下来是一点九兆元之拯救疫情及美国经济方案,在参院惊险过关,让全国三分之二以上之国民受惠。




在外交上,拜登总统宣示美国要重回世界领导之决心,我们要呼吁,在国际政治之多边结构下 必须顾全大局,世界和平是我们共同追求之目标。

100 Days Of President Biden

In his first one hundred days in office President Biden has focused on getting Americans relief by trying to stimulate the economy through the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid package.

When Biden came into the White House the COVID-19 cases had risen to a record high, millions of people were out of work, cases of racial injustice were increasing across the country and there was a climate crisis threatening the country.

The goal Biden set for his first 100 days of vaccinating 100 million people was reached and doubled. The figure for Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure bill if passed in Congress will have the biggest economic impact in American history. As Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, “We are succeeding in getting programs up and running. I feel that the administration has built up the momentum.”

The Biden administration is facing a human rights crisis on the southern border where a surge of migrants has strained the entire immigration system.

Biden’s early presidency will be largely judged against his COVID -19 campaign that he has approached like a war.

We are also so happy that the United States of America has come back onto the world stage. We have seen many issues around the world that should be discussed around the table. We all want peace.