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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/10

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 05/10

我见 我闻 我思


-周宏 郑昭 孙雪莲 来访记



出席的周宏女士来美留学专攻社会学,数十年来在侨社做出巨大贡献, 帮助了无数华人入住政府住宅 争取各项补助,待人处事非常亲切, 郑昭和孙雪莲也是华人社区之服务尖兵,早年来美留学并在事业上取得许多成就,之后 筹组社团不断為大家提供服务。

应邀前来座谈的金诺威先生 ,早年毕业於史坦福大学,曾任休斯敦房屋局局长, 礼查信先生曾在美国联邦房屋部任职十九年,两位皆是学经歷极丰富之专家。

这次之座谈会,由他们说明在新任拜登政府有更多有利於帮助社区住房之各项措施, 他们希望亚华裔要多加利用。

我们极盼华亚裔社区,在老有所依之目标下,大家能未雨绸繆,互相照顾,犹如礼记篇中所说故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终, 壮有所用, 鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。

Care For The Elderly In Our Community

It was my great pleasure to meet with a group of our Asian community leaders led by Theresa Chow, Margaret Chang and Stanley Sun. They visited our newly opened ITC Community Resource Center at the Southern News Group building.

Along with the thousands of members of the Chinese College Alumni Association they are very much interested in finding out more information about the senior citizens housing projects in our area.

We also invited two experts in this field to join us,  including Mr. Jim Noteware. He is the former Housing Department Director for the City of Houston. Another guest was Ray Richardson who served in the federal housing department for almost twenty years.

In the meeting both of them talked about how HUD’s many program can help the local community, especially for seniors.

Ray also mentioned that the Biden Administration will have more funds available to help where needed with local housing projects.

Theresa Chow was our community leader over the past several years. She has helped many people get into housing projects and apply for federal and state funds. This is a very critical time for our community and we need more help for the elderly, not just for housing, but also other government benefits.

The ITC Community Resource Center is a service platform to help all the community people connect to different government agencies.

Many people are running very small businesses and because of the language barrier, they can’t get information directly from the government agencies and need assistance.

We really appreciate that Theresa Chow came to visit us. Her efforts really will get more help to our community.