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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/13

我见 我思 我闻



赫里斯郡医院管理局是全美最大的公共卫健系统之一每年超过二十亿美元之预算支持五家公立医院之运作其中最大的奔塔医院以急诊服务亨誉全球自成立以来就以休斯敦慈善家奔塔命名 一直到现在奔塔家族后代仍然参与成立基金会其目的是在长期募款来支援五家公立医院造福社区

近一年多来 由於新冠病毒之侵袭 赫里斯郡之公立医院更是忙得不可开交许多贫困市民之首选就是奔塔医院之急救中心今天我就坐在奔塔医院麦陶医生之隔壁他在这场险悪之大瘟疫中不知救了多少人的性命另外一位董事詹森医生更在会上报告了他在新冠病毒上取得之研究成果不久将在联邦医管局批准后发表并将以特效薬方式在全球推出

我非常荣幸在过近十年来一直是基金会之一员这次疫情对世界带来之灾难 尤其顕示药物科研之重要性今天之董事会大家都有相见甚欢之感觉

人生以服务為目的看见来自不同阶层的专家学者和企业家 他们共同的使命就是要打倒万恶的病毒

The Mission Of The HCHD Foundation

After more than a year, a group of Harris County Hospital District Foundation Board members came back together today and held a meeting.

The mission of the HCHD Foundation is to enhance the board’s healthcare mission of the Harris Health System by soliciting and raising funds for programs and increasing the community’s awareness of the Harris Health System.

The foundation is a 501(c) 3 organization that raises funds and supports the hospital system. Established in 1992, the foundation has funded more than $51 million for the hospital system.

Under the Harris Health System, we have five hospitals including Ben Taub Hospital with the famous Gianni and Richard Trauma Center. It serves over 80,000 emergency patients annually.

We are also very proud to honor Dr. Matthew Plummer and Dr. Kenneth Mattox for their years of extraordinary service to the Harris Health System and to the community.

More than a year ago when the COVID-19 virus attacked our community, these public hospitals have played a very critical and important role in rescuing our citizens.

We urge all the people in our community to come out and help our public health system. Whether you volunteer your time or whether you write a check, show that you care about the health and well-being of our community.