大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/17
我见 我思 我闻
返母校德州小镇 -博孟
七十年代初期,我们来到德州东部博孟市州立拉马大学上硏究院硕士班, 毕业后就很少回来,一直到今天才踏上回校之路。
当我靠近小镇时,若大的小镇标誌「博孟」出现在眼前,当车子慢行下来时,斗大的拉马大学标字十分醒目, 数十年前之大学往事歷歷在目,图书舘大楼仍然耸立如初,校园遍开的州花依然耀眼夺目。
早在一七五〇年代,法国商人就路经此地到全美各地经商, 到了一八五〇年后,美国内战时也成了主要运送军人之通路。
Beaumont, Texas We Are Coming Back
In the early 70’s when my wife and I were graduate students at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, this was the city where we spent our college life many years ago.
We started our journey from Houston through Interstate 10 and Highway 90. After we passed Dayton, we approached the City of Beaumont.
During World War II a small camp was built for German prisoners of war who were detailed near Beaumont from the larger camp in Huntsville in Walker County, Texas.
In 1999 Disney celebrated the movie release of “Mulan” in Texas. They built a miniature version of the Great Wall of China on the school football field.
When we passed this very peaceful town we saw a beautiful park and school.
People living in Beaumont offer resident a rural feel and most people own their homes. Many retirees live here tend to lean towards peaceful and conservative.